Our psychology guide contain articles about the basics of psychology. Classic experiments, background and theory.
Habituation - The "Get Used to It" Concept
Sensitization - Learning through Senses
Classical Conditioning - The Most Basic Type of Associative Learning
Operant Conditioning - To Reward or To Punish?
Cognitive Learning Theory - Using Thinking to Learn
Social Learning Theory - Albert Bandura
Social Development Theory - Leo Vygotsky
Socialization - Adapting One`s Culture
Neuroplasticity - You and Your Adaptive Brain
Learning Domains - The Three Levels of the Mind
Emotion and Motivation
Stress and Coping
General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Selye)
Psychological Theories of Stress (James-Lange, Cannon-Bard and Schachter-Singer)
Stress and Cognitive Appraisal (Lazarus)
Individual Differences - Stress Response (Type A/B-personality, Hardiness, Self-Efficacy)
Asch Experiment - Conformity in Groups
Bobo Doll Experiment - Learning From Role Models
Good Samaritan Experiment - Would You Help a Stranger? - Explaining Helping Behavior
Stanford Prison Experiment - Roles Define Your Behavior
Stanley Milgram Experiment - Will People Do Anything If Ordered?
Milgram Experiment Ethics - The Research Ethics about the Milgram Experiment
Cognitive Dissonance Experiment by Leon Festinger
Bystander Apathy Experiment - The Case of Kitty Genovese Explained
Sherif's Robbers Cave Experiment - Realistic Conflict Theory
Social Judgment Theory Experiment - Henry Tajfel
The Halo Effect and Nisbett and Wilson's Experiment
Thought Rebound and Wegner's Dream Rebound Experiment
Theory of Cooperation and Competition: Studies on Interpersonal Bargaining
Understanding and Belief and the Gilbert Experiment
Self-Deception and Quattrone & Tversky's Experiment
Overjustification Effect and the Felt Tip Marker Study
The Chameleon Effect and Chartrand & Bargh Experiments
Confirmation Bias and the Wason Rule Discovery Test
The Hastorf & Cantril Case Study and Selective Group Perception
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Oskar Blakstad (Jan 12, 2011). Psychology Guide. Retrieved Feb 10, 2025 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/psychology
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