Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your questions may already be answered here in our frequently asked questions-section at Explorable.com.

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How Can I Cite a Webpage?

Articles With Author:

[Surname of author], [Initials Given Name] ([Year Published]). [Title of Article]. Retrieved: [Date of retrieval] from Explorable.com: [URL]

Example: Our Definition of Research-article, by Martyn Shuttleworth:

Shuttleworth, M. (2008). Definition of Research. Retrieved 14 February 2009 from Explorable.com: http://explorable.com/definition-of-research

The reference in the text would look like this (APA-standard):

"Here is the information you are citing (Shuttleworth, 2008)"

Articles Without Author

Some authors wish not to be cited because of other commitments. That doesn't need to stop you from referring to the article. You may cite "Explorable.com" as the author instead of the authors name.

Example: Our article about Stem Cell Research:

Explorable.com (2008). Stem Cell Research - Pros and Cons. Retrieved 14 February 2009 from Explorable.com: http://explorable.com/stem-cell-pros-and-cons

The reference in the text would look like this (APA-standard):

"Text with the information you are citing (Explorable.com, 2008)"

There are many different citation-standards. This example follows the APA-standard.

Who is the Author of the Article?

Alternatively, you may cite "Explorable.com" as the author. See above for citations.

Some authors do not wish to be identified because of other commitments. If the full name of the author is not stated, the author wishes to be anonymous.

Most articles have the name of the author right below the text.

When Did You Write the Article?

Since webpages may have been changed several times, most citation-standards demand that you cite what year when the webpage was first published and the date it was viewed/downloaded (retrieved). We do not keep a record of when an article was last edited and thus can not give out this information on request.

See above for more information on citations.

You can find the year of the first posting of a webpage next to the name of the author (below the text).

Who are You?

Check out our about-page.

    How Can I Solve a Problem On My Project?

    We cannot give advice on how to conduct/solve specific problems, projects, assignments or dreams. We are honored that so many ask us for advice, but this is our hobby and we do this beside full time jobs and would not have time to publish new stuff if we were to answer every question. Yahoo! Answers is a great resource for asking questions - you often get an answer in no-time (or you may want to ask a counselor at your institution. A good tip is to formulate your question as clear and brief as possible.

    We do not currently offer help for specific problems.

    May I Publish Your Article?

    Generally we do not allow online publications, without any compensation. You cannot publish an article without the consent from Explorable.com. You may ask by contacting us.

    I Found an Error or Misspell

    Drop us a line here. Please state which article you are commenting on.

    Please tell us! We love to eliminate errors, small or big.

    May I Link to Your Website?

    Generally, we do not have objections to links to our website as long as the website does not include content of offensive/illegal/unethical nature (such as porn, gambling, scams or hatred-sites).

    Could You Add My Link?

    No, we do not put up links on request. We do not sell or buy links either.

    Full reference: 

    Explorable.com (Apr 23, 2008). FAQ. Retrieved Jan 18, 2025 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/frequently-asked-questions

    You Are Allowed To Copy The Text

    The text in this article is licensed under the Creative Commons-License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

    This means you're free to copy, share and adapt any parts (or all) of the text in the article, as long as you give appropriate credit and provide a link/reference to this page.

    That is it. You don't need our permission to copy the article; just include a link/reference back to this page. You can use it freely (with some kind of link), and we're also okay with people reprinting in publications like books, blogs, newsletters, course-material, papers, wikipedia and presentations (with clear attribution).

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