Kids' Science Projects

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Kids' Science Projects

Here are a few suggestions on how to construct kids' science projects.

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Ideas for Science Projects

  • Paper Towel Experiment
    Which paper towel are more absorbent?
  • Mold Bread Experiment
    Does Mold grow quicker at higher temperatures?
  • The Pendulum Experiment
    What goes up must come down!
  • Popcorn Experiments
    Experiments with popcorn are a fun way to test a scientific theory with the added bonus of having some tasty food to eat afterwards.
  • Paper Airplane Experiment
    This experiment, as well as being great fun, is a chance for us to study something called ‘The Laws of Aerodynamics.’
  • Charge a Light Bulb Experiment
    Charge a light bulb with the use of comb with the Charge a Light Bulb Experiment. In this experiment, we will charge a light bulb just with the use of a comb and no other means of electricity.
  • The Lifting Ice Cube Experiment
    The Lifting Ice Cube experiment is a trick that will let you lift ice cubes without getting your hands wet or making use of a spoon!
  • The Magic Egg Experiment
    Did you know that you could make an egg bounce? Try the Magic Egg experiment and see how it works.
  • The Magic Jumping Coin Experiment
    If you want to learn a magic trick on thermal expansion, try the Magic Jumping Coin Experiment!
  • The Salt Water Egg Experiment
    The Salt Water Egg Experiment explains why materials (such as an egg) float more in salt water than in fresh water.
  • The Invisible Ink Experiment
    Have you ever tried making invisible ink? The Invisible Ink experiment shows you how to do it.
  • The "Making a Rainbow"-Experiment
    With this Making a Rainbow experiment, you’ll be able to understand how rainbows are formed because you are going to make one yourself.
  • The Oil Spill Experiment
    This Oil Spill experiment will help you understand the detrimental effects of oil spills to the marine ecosystem.
  • The Balloon Rocket Car Experiment
    Creating your own Balloon Rocket Car has got to be one of the most exciting experiments that you can do at home, with your friends and family.
  • How to Build an Electromagnet
    An electromagnet is a type of magnet that attracts metals with the help of electricity.
  • The Corrosiveness of Soda Experiment
    In this experiment, we will be investigating the corrosiveness of soda. If you are one of those people who can’t last a day without drinking soda, read on.
  • How to Create a Heat Detector
    In this experiment, you will learn how to create your very own heat detector. By creating a heat detector, we will demonstrate the effect of heat to different kinds of materials.
  • The "Volcano Experiment"
    In the Volcano Experiment, you will learn how different substances react when they are mixed with each other.
  • The Egg in a Bottle Experiment
    This experiment illustrates the effects of air pressure.
  • The Fruit Battery Experiment
    Ever heard of a fruit battery? In this simple experiment, we will be creating our own battery with the use of citrus fruits, with a power that is strong enough to make a small bulb light up.
  • The Home-made Glue Experiment
    Have you ever tried creating home-made glue? By performing this experiment, you will learn different ways on how you can create glue and what materials can be used to create one!
  • Home-made Stethoscope
    A stethoscope is a medical instrument used for listening to the sounds of the body. Usually it is used to listen to the sounds made by the heart, breathing, among others.
  • The Magic Balloon Experiment
    Have you ever heard of magic balloons? In this experiment, you will witness a balloon inflating without you blowing it up!
  • How to Make a Matchbox Guitar
    If you are into music then you will definitely love this matchbox guitar project! A guitar is a string musical instrument that you pluck in order to create a sound.
  • Make Your Own Slime - Experiment
    Have you ever played with slime? Do you even know what that gooey brightly coloured material is actually made of?

Some Famous Ancient Experiments are Easy Replicate!

  • Heron's Aeolipile Experiment
    A steam engine that worked on exactly the same principle as the great machines of the industrial revolution and many modern electricity-generating turbines.
  • Archimedes Screw Experiment
    A device still used around the world as a simple and efficient method of moving liquids and solid particles.
  • Build an Astrolabe - Navigation and Mapping the Stars
    The astrolabe is an instrument that allows observers to measure the position of celestial bodies relative to the horizon, which allows accurate star mapping.
  • Archimedes Displacement Experiment
    Repeat the experiment that made a naked man run down the street shouting ‘Eureka! Eureka!’
  • Make Heron’s Fountain
    How potential energy can provide power, using water and gravity, and air and compression
  • Sundials
    An Ancient Estimate the Time of the Day

Conducting an Experiment

Conducting science experiments isn't as hard as you think, the problem is often to come up with the idea for the project.

After you've conducted the experiment, you've still got to write a paper about the experiment afterward.

Full reference: 

(Nov 17, 2008). Kids' Science Projects. Retrieved Feb 10, 2025 from

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