Charge a light bulb with the use of comb with the Charge a Light Bulb Experiment. Electricity is generated when there is a flow of electric charge through a material, usually with conducting property.
In this experiment, we will charge a light bulb just with the use of a comb and no other means of electricity.
In this experiment you will need:
Go to a dark room and bring all the materials with you - the light bulb, the comb and the scarf. Rub the comb thoroughly against the woollen scarf for 5 to 10 minutes. If you do not have a woollen scarf around, you may just run the comb through your hair in at least 30 strokes to achieve the same effect. After doing such, quickly stick the comb to the metal end of the light bulb and observe the filament of the bulb light up! Magic!
Didn't think that this was possible? Electricity is generated not only by plugging an appliance in an outlet or with the use of dry cell batteries. Electricity can also be generated by rubbing two things against each other such as the comb and the woollen cloth or even your hair. Rubbing the two materials against each other thoroughly creates friction, which then allows the electrons from your hair or cloth to travel to the comb, making the comb negatively charged and the other material positively charged as it loses its electrons in the process.
Now that the comb is charged, sticking it to the metal end of the light bulb makes its filament emit small pulses of light! (Jul 7, 2011). Charge a Light Bulb Experiment. Retrieved Sep 14, 2024 from
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