
Home-Made Glue Experiment

Have you ever tried creating home-made glue? By performing this experiment, you will learn different ways on how you can create glue and what materials can be used to create one!

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You are probably wondering why you should create your own when you can just get a cheap one from the store anyway. That would save you all the work and effort. But is it not more exciting when the glue you are using is actually one of your own works?

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Get yourself and these materials ready for we are about to create our very own, home-made glue! This glue we are going to create is certified non-toxic, light and environmentally safe!

Get the following materials:

  • All purpose flour
  • Water
  • Jar with cover
  • Spoon
  • Newspaper
  • Brush


Creating your home-made glue is very easy. It will only take you about 5 minutes to make one and approximately 15 minutes to let it dry after you apply it.

Now, to start the experiment, take the all purpose flour and measure a cup of it. Pour it in the jar, and mix it with half cup of water. Use the spoon to stir the mixture. Make sure you mix the two well. Voila! This is now your glue!

Test your glue with the use of the newspaper, or in this case, just any other type of paper you wish to apply your glue on. Take the brush to collect some of the glue from the jar, and brush it onto the paper. Put the paper aside for a couple of minutes until it dries.

Did it work?


There are so many types of glue available in the market nowadays; its strength mostly depending upon the type of materials you will be using the glue for. There are some glue types that are extra strong and meant for gluing materials like cloth, wood or even tiles. Other glue types are on the other hand weaker, just like the Elmer’s glue which is primarily used for gluing papers together. Most glue though is chemical based and therefore could be harmful to our health and even the environment.

Soon as you mixed the all purpose flour with water, a chemical reaction occurs. When you applied the glue to the paper and set it aside to dry, the water in the mixture evaporates, making the paper with glue hard. The same process happens in ordinary glue. Setting it aside causes it to dry out, letting the water evaporate which in turn causes the glue to toughen.

Full reference: 

Explorable.com (Mar 23, 2011). Home-Made Glue Experiment. Retrieved Feb 13, 2025 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/home-made-glue-experiment

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