Even when you know you are feeling worried, it may often be challenging to recognize the exact sources of stress that are affecting your. Considering some specific details of your life, and the extend to which they cause you to worry, will help you understand yourself and your personal needs.
With that in mind, let's take a look at some things that might be causing you stress. Below is a list of items that some people may find stressful. Have a look at each one and select how stressful you would find them.
Of course, there's no right or wrong way to do this, because it is a way to start becoming aware of your own mental resources and your own personal resilience when it comes to stress and worry.
If you have them, add some worries of your own as well.
If you have someone nearby who's willing, ask them to go through the same list and compare – are there any surprising patterns?
Are you worried about one, two things or just life in general? If you've noticed anything noteworthy, put it down now in your journal. You might also like to note whether your worry seems to "float" and be about everything and nothing at all.
Lyndsay T. Wilson (Nov 20, 2015). Sources of Stress. Retrieved Feb 13, 2025 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/e/sources-of-stress
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