Are you interested to learn more about the reasons behind worrying? Looking for ways to to deal with your own worries? This course will help you master all the most important information and management techniques.
We've all experienced worry: the agony of lying in bed, watching the hours tick away as you stew over your exam the following day. Seeing your bank balance and feeling as though it's suddenly a little harder to breathe and the room is just a little smaller somehow. Or even sitting at home watching TV and having the thought pop up, "what am I really doing with my life?"
We all seem to know what people mean when they say they're "worried" or "anxious" but chances are, if you're reading this, you feel like your worry is out of control. Perhaps you routinely lose sleep, perhaps your worry accompanies feelings of depression, or perhaps you're going through a tough time and need a strategy to get through a period of adversity.
In this course, we'll unpick all these vague and uneasy feelings to get to the heart of what worry actually is. After all, it's only when we shine a light on the demons under the bed that we can see clearly what we're dealing with! After we've looked at some common ideas of exactly why we worry, we'll have to answer the next question: is it normal?
With this in mind, we'll take a closer look at our own unique style of worry, understanding exactly why we do it – and what we can do to bring a bit of peace and tranquility to our lives instead.
Once we have a clear picture of the ins and outs of our own style of worry, we'll move onto the last section of the course, where we can put some key stress management principles to work. By carefully considering what a resilient person does to moderate their worries, we'll slowly start putting together a lifestyle that supports us rather than stresses us out.
We'll look at techniques that focus specifically on mindfulness, visualization techniques and how to "re-program" worrying thoughts into more neutral ones, but we'll also consider more practical ways to tackle anxiety, step by step.
Lyndsay T. Wilson (Nov 19, 2015). Understanding Worry. Retrieved Sep 14, 2024 from
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