A Holistic Perspective

Finally, worry may have a much simpler explanation. This theory poses that it may be the result of negative influences to the human organism. If that is the case, then you probably already know what the solution may be.

Our final theory is one that might be more familiar to you. This theory simply states that worry (and stress, anxiety etc.) all arise as a result of imbalance and general lack of wellbeing. For this way of thinking, the human being is a complex organism, the health of which relies on the health of several interlocking systems.

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When Does Worry Occur?

This means that worry is more likely when nutrition or sleep quality is poor, when there is a lack of social support, when work or relationships are unfulfilling, or when the person is forced to endure an unsupportive environment.

What's the Solution?

Here, worry can have emotional, physical, cultural, even spiritual components. When worry is understood this way, the solution appears to be to balance the entire person's sense of wellbeing across all areas.

What About You?

What do you think? Does this theory ring true when you think about your own worry?
Full reference: 

(Nov 21, 2015). A Holistic Perspective . Retrieved Feb 08, 2025 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/e/a-holistic-perspective

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