How Much Worry Is Too Much Worry?

We've briefly considered that it's probably more helpful to worry about things you can control rather than every possible outcome (more on this in part three), and now we'll look at how much worry is normal.

Let's do an exercise. Have a look at the sentences below, and if it seems like it counts as "too much worry" in your opinion, then mark it:

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 All Quizzes

Is It Too Much Worry?

  1. Feeling so worried about your finances that you buy a money management book.
  2. Worrying so much that you throw up before an important speech you're supposed to give.
  3. Falling asleep at 3 am in the morning because you were worrying about all the things that could go wrong the following day.
  4. Declining to go home with a blind date because you have a bad feeling about them.
  5. Staying at work an extra hour because you're worried about a difficult project you're working on.
  6. Staying at work an extra 2 hours for a week because you're worried about a difficult project you're working on. 
  7. Turning in the project late because your worrying about it made you procrastinate.
  8. Taking over-the-counter pain medication every day to deal with the stress and worries of raising a young family.
  9. Going to the doctor because of a persistent health condition you're worried about.
  10. Calling the police to report suspicious activity happening in your neighborhood.

What Is "Too Much Worry"?

You've already had a go at creating your own definition of what worry is. Take a few moments now to see if you can create your own definition of too much worry, before moving on to the next section.

Full reference: 

(Nov 20, 2015). How Much Worry Is Too Much Worry?. Retrieved Jan 13, 2025 from

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