Now you have mastered the relaxation techniques that help you to calm your mind, we can start applying this a bit more directly to spiders. Remember that while this will likely be uncomfortable for you, good things usually require at least a bit of work.
This step is probably may be the worst part of the process for you as it involves a more direct look at a spider. That is precisely why you need to be able to calm yourself down before continuing.
Let's try to work out what specific aspect of spiders upsets you. Whilst you can do bits of research on spiders, there also needs to be a more hands-on approach. First off, you're going to need to do one of two things. Either find a friend or family member who has a pet spider, or go to a pet store where they sell them. After you have located your domesticated spider, visit it a few times and note down what it is about the spider that upsets you the most.
Try and build up the amount of time you spend around the spiders slowly, until you feel a bit more comfortable doing it. At first, your initial reaction would be to want to run away and never come back, but remember that this will only increase your fear. Remain around the spider for at least a minute or two, and gradually increase the amount of time.
While engaging in this activity, try writing down your observations. How do you feel physically and emotionally? What is it about the spider that is unpleasant? What is the spider doing? Does the spider even notice you? Write it all down to keep it in mind.
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Liya Panayotova (Nov 26, 2015). "Avoiders" with Severe Phobia Step 2. Retrieved Sep 17, 2024 from
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