Problems at Work

Leaving aside the constant stress of finding a good job, most people have to work hard just to keep their current position and remain current in their respective field of work.

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Ferocious competition, stress, deadlines, the expectations and pressures of employment, can sometimes contribute to depression. And, if you are already struggling with a mood disorder, work-related issues can be especially strenuous to handle. However, as always, there are certain precautions you can take.

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Find Meaningful Work

Not everyone is lucky enough to land their dream job. When money flies out of our pockets and the bills keep on coming, most of us feel forced to put aside our dreams.

Some studies suggest that one of the leading causes of mood disorders, such as depression, is job dissatisfaction. In other words, money alone can’t motivate us enough to do something we don’t like.

Don’t Close the Door to Opportunity

So how can we find meaningful work, while making sure our bills are paid on time? More importantly, how can we get out of a dead-end job that may eventually lead to depression?

A good strategy is to always be on the lookout for new opportunities. Just because you have a job doesn’t mean the search is over. Be patient and keep looking until you find a job that suits your needs.

Another alternative would be to start your own business or become a volunteer, so that you can achieve a sense of fulfillment.

Establish Boundaries

Overtime has become a common practice in the workplace, along with working during your personal time, taking phone calls or answering e-mails at all ours, etc.

Establish a Personal Approach

Since most of us are focused on productivity, going out of our way to perform well may seem like a necessity. But where do we draw the line? It mostly depends on personal factors, such as resilience, tolerance to frustration, and the severity of your symptoms.

You can increase your productivity by planning your activities and avoiding procrastination. Planning would also help you establish clear rules and boundaries, so that you work doesn’t overwhelm your entire life.

Don’t Take Frustrations Home

Our work-related problems can sometimes be so overpowering, that we tend to bring them home with us. Not only can this approach have a negative impact on our own lives, but it can also affect our family members.

Planning is the key here as well. It’s important to differentiate between your personal and professional self. If you set aside time for personal activities and family interactions, you will gradually increase your sense of well-being and life would seem more meaningful.

Seek help from a professional

Depression is a serious condition, one that cannot be ignored. Sometimes, trying to fix things all by yourself is not enough.

In the case of depression, it is always preferable to seek help from a licensed and experienced mental health professional. Together you can find the most effective way to deal with depression.

If you have been having suicidal thoughts, then it is paramount to seek help straight away, by contacting a helpline, and then seeking support from a psychologist.

Full reference: 

(Apr 20, 2016). Problems at Work. Retrieved Jan 13, 2025 from

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