You’ve done a great job and achieved a lot so far! However, maintaining your progress depends greatly on your ability to take on a different perspective.
You can create your own brighter future.
Did you know that your imagination has amazing healing powers? Through mental imagery, we can envision a brighter future, alternative solutions to our problems, even a better version of ourselves. Once we have envisioned all of this, it would be much easier to make it into reality.
As is with relaxation techniques, mental imagery requires peace and quiet. You can’t practice it, while engaging in another task, or while being distracted by something.
That is why first, you need to set aside some time for mental imagery exercises. To lay the foundation for a better future, make sure you engage in mental imagery for at least about 10 minutes every day.
No matter how busy your schedule may be, you can always work a few extra minutes into your day.
Try to find a quiet place and serene place. Somewhere in nature would be good, but not imperative. Close the doors and windows, turn off your phone and TV, find a comfortable position. Make sure you’ve asked others in the house not to disturb you for a while.
Unlike daydreaming, mental imagery is a guided process that involves clear goals and a voluntary decision.
Now that you have found a suitable time and place, you need to pick the right image. In other words, you have to target a clear scenario and set a specific goal. It needs to be something that is both important to you, and realistically attainable.
Of course, anything can be attainable, as long as you imagine a clear path to it, paved with specific actions. Don’t dwell on the difficulties, but instead focus on the solutions and on your strengths.
The idea of this step is to provide a positive foundation for your mental imagery – one that empowers you to trust in yourself and turn your own dreams into reality.
Imagine your goal as vividly as you can and tailor it to your needs and desires. After only a few successful attempts, you’ll begin to realize that life doesn’t always have to be grim.
Soon enough, the changes that took place inside will start to show on the outside as well. Day after day, you will be more and more determined to turn your big dream (scenario) into reality.
In you want to create a truly mind-blowing scenario that will make an impact on your life, make sure to use as many details as possible. You can’t just repeat “I’m not depressed” or “Life is great” over and over again.
Vivid details will help you create a realistic scenario – one that you can almost touch, if you reach out.
For instance, if you want to envision a better version of yourself, focus on all relevant aspects of your life.
What specifically does ‘better’ mean to you?
How does it feel like to be a better person?
Is your professional life any different?
What do your friends think and say about you?
Is your love life any different?
In what ways is life different than before?
You can use these questions as a guide, as well as come up with your own, so that you can create a detailed of a scenario, as you possibly can.
Although this is an optional step, it would likely help you increase the positive effects of mental imagery, by allowing you to relive it. This way, the entire process takes on a different meaning. Your scenario will no longer be just a dream, but rather a declaration or a promise to yourself.
Alexander Draghici (Apr 18, 2016). Mental Imagery . Retrieved Feb 14, 2025 from
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