Rate Your Symptoms

Now that you know a bit more about depression and its mechanisms, it’s time to rate your symptoms. This is an important part of the process, since future interventions rely on a clear self-understanding of your personal circumstances.

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Below is a list of 20 basic signs, both mental and physical, of depression, along with simple instructions on how to fill it in.

  1. Signs and symptoms – this column contains the 20 basic signs and symptoms of depression.

  2. Level of severity – On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), how much does each symptom describe your current condition?

Remember that the purpose of the list if to help you gain a better understanding of yourself, so that you can cope with depression more successfully. That is why it is crucial to be as honest as possible with yourself.


Signs and symptoms

Level of severity


You tend to shout at and be easily irritated.



You ruminate (Thinking repetitively about the cause of your issues) at least once daily.



You’re troubled by feelings of guilt.



You believe you’re the only one to blame for all the bad things that happen, you engage in self-blame.



It’s difficult for you to derive pleasure from activities that are enjoyable to others, or used to be pleasurable to you.



You find it difficult to make decisions.



You often have a sense of worthlessness.



You find it hard to concentrate on daily tasks.



Life seems pointless.



You’re constantly lacking motivation.



You feel tired and spent, you don’t have energy for regular daily chores.



You often think about death.



You sleep more than 8 hours a day, or a lot more than you used to sleep before.



At night, you find it difficult to fall asleep.



You’ve lost interest in daily activities, such as hobbies, social activities, etc.



You have migraines on a daily basis.



You tend to eat more or less than you used to – you experience changes in appetite.



You sex life has deteriorated.



You spend less time with your friends and family members.



Sometimes, you without knowing why.


After you complete the entire list, print it and put it somewhere safe, or save it to a location on your computer that you will remember, because we’re going to use it later.

Full reference: 

(Apr 12, 2016). Rate Your Symptoms. Retrieved Feb 05, 2025 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/e/rate-your-symptoms

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