The most common and well-proven way of treating depression, is through the help of a psychologist, or in some cases – with medication. However, there are other treatment options that can improve our physical and mental health.
Although the alternatives may not be as effective as therapy, they are an additional tool, to help you cope. Since the alternative we suggest are lifestyle changes, they can not only help you fight depression, but also contribute to improving your general wellbeing. These activities are always beneficial, so don’t hesitate to incorporate them into your routine.
Channeling your emotions, especially the ones with negative connotation, into art and hobbies, is believed to be one of the healthiest and most mature psychological defense mechanisms.
Engaging in something that is pleasurable to you, especially when it has to do with creating something, can provide you with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
You already know that when depressed, it may be extremely difficult to engage in what you previously loved. However, hobbies are a healthy and important outlet. So, a good strategy would be to start small.
If you previously used to enjoy DIY home improvements, don’t attempt a week-long project straight away. Start with tiny steps, such as dusting off some of the DIYs you’ve already made. Then look through extremely simple project ideas and pick a few. Your next step is to engage in an easy, quick DIY project at first, and then gradually move on to more complicated ones.
You now know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also called seasonal depression, and how natural sunlight affects our wellbeing.
Happy Hormones
Natural light can help your body secrete more happiness hormones, it can contribute to an overall feeling of wellbeing, as well as promote physical and mental health.
Furthermore, spending time in pleasant natural environments, where you are surrounded by greenery and the soft shapes of plants, has a naturally soothing effect.
All of these benefits are certainly worth considering, especially when you are struggling with a mood disorder, such as depression. Try to spend at least 30 minutes per day outdoors.
Even sitting down on the grass or on a bench in the park and observing nature would be extremely helpful.
Nutrition plays a crucial role in our everyday life, since long-term wellbeing depends largely on consuming a variety of a variety of foods, so that you can provide your body with all the necessary nutrients.
Not only should you make sure you have regular, balanced meals, but it is also important to be watchful of sugar, alcohol, and caffeine consumption.
A great way to ensure eating a healthy diet, it to avoid processed foods. These are any foods that have been altered from their natural state. This can include bread, snacks, cereals, microwave meals, cereals, etc. As a rule of thumb, anything that cannot be found in nature, is likely a processed food.
You don’t need to cut out processed foods completely, but if you avoid those with added sugar, and substitute them for more fruits and vegetables, your will inevitably boost your overall wellbeing.
Furthermore, alcohol and caffeine may be used as ways to cope with depression. However, their consumption, especially in excessive amounts, can lead to long-term issues, so make sure you avoid both as much as possible.
Keep in mind that, when it comes to healthy eating, the number one priority is moderation.
Liya Panayotova, Alexander Draghici (Apr 20, 2016). Alternative Treatments. Retrieved Feb 10, 2025 from
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