Presenting Survey Results

The survey process does not end at formulating a conclusion based on the results of the study. The final step in utilizing the survey method is the presentation of survey findings. In presenting survey results, you must be able to deliver the findings to the audience as accurate and stimulating as possible.

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The presentation of survey results is an integral part of survey research because it is the path towards communicating the results to the appropriate individuals, organizations or government agencies that can take action regarding the results of the survey. Presenting survey results involves the introduction and background of the survey, the methodology or data collection process, the presentation and analysis of results and the conclusion and recommendations.

In addition, this step also includes incorporating effective techniques on how to make the presentation more interesting and appealing to the audience.

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Introduction and Background

To start with the presentation, show the factors that served as your motivation to perform the survey. These may include statistical or descriptive data that can make the audience understand the significance of the survey. Then, state the purpose of the study, the survey goals, and the complete title of the survey. Identify the objectives that were met, and those that were not satisfied along the process.

Data Collection Process

In this part, you must state which type of survey method you had utilized in gathering data. Also, describe the sampling method done, the number of participants, any inclusion and exclusion criteria, the questionnaire formation, pilot testing, real survey execution, and data handling and storage. When presenting the data collection process, make use of tables, graphs and charts to create a better visual impact and make the audience fully understand the process.

Results and Analysis

As in the presentation of the data collection process, showing the audience your results and analysis must include the use of graphical presentation through tables and graphs. Emphasize the significant findings by means of highlighting them and explaining them further.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Presenting the conclusion and recommendations includes reviewing the survey goals and objectives and relating the survey results to them. In your presentation, the conclusion must comprise of concise but eloquent words that will lead the panel to make proper decisions or interpretations regarding the survey results.

Media Presentation

Aside from the printed report containing the research results, you must be keen at preparing your media presentation. You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other presentation software to present the information in a slide format, making them look organized and professionally done. An ideal PowerPoint presentation of survey results ranges from 20 to 50 slides using bullet points and tables for descriptive data, and charts or graphs for numerical data.

Full reference: 

(Jun 13, 2012). Presenting Survey Results. Retrieved Feb 10, 2025 from

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