How Self-Critical Are You?

, Psychologist, liyap.com20.6K reads

Before we proceed with the course, please take a minute to complete this test in order to evaluate where you are being fair with yourself, on the self-criticism scale.

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For each of the following statements and questions, indicate the number that best describes how you feel most of the time. Please write your answers down and be as honest as possible.

1-Strongly disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Neutral; 4 – Agree; 5- Strongly Agree

  1. You are not happy with your life.
  2. It is hard for you to maintain friendships for long.
  3. Do you tend to notice little details in people like their style, the kind of belts they wear?
  4. Do you often think about the mistakes you’ve made in the past?
  5. Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself when you make a mistake?
  6. Do you want your work to be flawless before you consider it finished?
  7. Do you think people will think less of you if you make a mistake?
  8. Do you tend to get very hurt by other people’s criticism about you?
  9. If you fail at your work, do you feel you have failed as a person?
  10. If you can’t do something to perfection, you feel you shouldn’t do it at all.
  11. Do you think asking for help is indicative of weakness?
  12. Do you think if you make a mistake you should be upset about it?
  13. If someone disagrees with you, do you believe he/she doesn’t like you?
  14. If you don’t do your best all the time, do you feel people won’t respect you?
  15. If you aren’t always there for your friends, do you feel like you don’t deserve them?

Now that you have answered the questions, go back and add up your score.

A total score of 31 and above indicates a high level of self-criticism, 18-30 is average, 17 and below indicates a low level of self-criticism.

Full reference: 

(Mar 27, 2016). How Self-Critical Are You?. Retrieved Jan 13, 2025 from

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