Final Food for Thought

, Psychologist, liyap.com14.8K reads

You have now gone through the entire course and obtained a lot of new, helpful knowledge. Your achievement is worth congratulating, and we are sure that from now on you will apply the newly learned techniques with growing success.

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You now know the basic principles of sleep, you understand the symptoms of the most common sleep disorders, and, more importantly, you know how applying sleep hygiene, and other techniques is an effective and natural –though, admittedly not easy–way to resolve problems with sleep.

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Taking Sleep into Your Own Hands

Our bodies and minds need the restorative and relaxing effects of sleep. If said sleep is lacking in quality and quantity, our health inevitably suffers. This creates a vicious cycle that you are now well aware of. When you take matters into your hands, apply relaxation techniques, and make some tweaks to your lifestyle, you can create another cycle: a healthy one.

If you implement what you’ve learned with a healthy dose of discipline, you’ll eventually get better sleep. When that happens, you’ll wake up rested, and you’ll feel motivated to continue practicing with this guide.

You Are Always Welcome Back

Although you have now learned and internalized plenty, this course is a resource that you can revisit as many times as you like, for inspiration and motivation. It is especially important to come back to it during stressful periods of your life when your new, healthy habits may be in jeopardy.

Know When to Visit a Specialist

Some sleep disorders may be temporary, especially if you learn how to control the environment you sleep in, as well as to cope with your thoughts in a self-beneficial manner. However, if your difficulties persist, with the same force, three months after you have started the implementation of what you now know, it’s important to add to your program.

The healthiest course of action you can take is to turn to a sleep specialist, or a psychologist, who can carefully evaluate your health history and make the necessary recommendations.

Sleeping is a very important part of our lives. It allows the body to repair itself at a cellular level, it gives our minds a chance to rest and dream and also aids our cognitive functioning. As you know, the list of benefits that accompany healthy sleep is almost endless. If you have trouble sleeping, the great news is that you are already helping yourself, by making the commitment to read and apply the information from this guide.

Now set your goals and achieve them. The methods you’ve learned here have been proven as effective and are widely used. So, what you have to do now, is trust yourself to practice them.

Keep a positive outlook on life and remember – you control your faith and wellbeing. 

External Resources

These are some bonus resources we’d like to recommend, in case you’re craving more info on sleep.
  • Check out the Cleveland Clinic’s fun infographic on surprising facts about sleep.
Full reference: 

(Feb 4, 2016). Final Food for Thought. Retrieved Jan 22, 2025 from

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