Analysis and Checklist

, Psychologist, liyap.com15.3K reads

You have almost arrived at the end of the course but remember – this is only the beginning of your journey. Before you move on to conquering the negativity in your life, let’s take some time and put your new knowledge to the test, so that you know what you need to work on most.

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This short self-assessment can help you establish how much you now know about sleep and sleep disorders. So, ask yourself the following questions, and answer as truthfully as possible – after all, this tool is only for your personal use and benefit. If you’re able to answer all of them correctly, then you must have an excellent memory and the necessary motivation to succeed in changing your sleep patterns. If you have trouble answering some, then it would be best to go back and reread the course, or at least parts of it. It could help to take notes, or use an audio recorder to record those sentences, which have impressed you most are want to remember.

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Analyze Your Knowledge

  1. What are the two types of sleep and how many stages of sleep are there?
  1. Name three symptoms of sleep deprivation.
  1. What are the internal and external factors that affect sleep patterns?
  1. Name 5 different types of sleep disorders.
  1. What are some common habits that can deteriorate or improve the quality of sleep?
  1. What are cognitive distortions or unhelpful thinking patterns? Can you give an example of your own?
  1. What does the technique progressive muscle relaxation consist of?
  1. According to research, approximately how many days does it take to build a new habit?
  1. What is the most commonly used type of sleep medication?
  1. How do thoughts and emotions relate to sleep disorders?

Sleep Hygiene Checklist

There are plenty of things we can do to sleep better. Unfortunately, it can be easy to lose track of them or to forget some. Use the following checklist to keep yourself accountable for your progress and to remind yourself of what you have to improve yet.

  • I set specific times to go to bed and wake up, which allow a range of 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
  • I apply the Stimulus Control Technique if I can’t fall asleep within 15-20 minutes of going to bed.
  • Did not use my phone, computer, or any other source of artificial light, late in the evening, or while in bed.
  • I get out of bed at the same time each day, even if you got little sleep the night before.
  • I controlled my alcohol and caffeine intake and didn’t indulge 4-6 before my bedtime.
  • My bedroom is a comfortable environment to sleep in (dark, quiet, pleasant to be in).
  • I only used my bed to sleep or engage in sexual activity.
  • I followed my established morning routine.
  • I exercised for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes.
  • I went to bed feeling sleepy and relaxed.
  • The last statement was false, in regards to last night, so I practiced a relaxation technique to feel at ease.
  • I gave myself enough time to unwind and practice my nightly routine without any rush.
  • I celebrated my improvements, large or small.

How to Use It 

You can use these or come up with your own, but whatever you choose to do, it is important to place the list somewhere that you’d be compelled to look at it and fill it out every day. The point is that by making yourself responsible for practicing things that are known to improve sleep, your chances of succeeding will inevitably increase.

Filling in a checklist is a quick and simple way to remind yourself of what you need to do and keep yourself motivated. It would be highly beneficial to continue using a checklist, even after your month of “intensive sleep training” has passed.

Full reference: 

(Feb 4, 2016). Analysis and Checklist. Retrieved Feb 14, 2025 from

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