In order to start working on our obsessions and compulsions, we need to identify them. Although you can always try to use a generic method, it is always best to tailor your approach to your specific situation and needs, as it will be most effective this way.
Here you will find a list of 13 common themes that people with OCD are prone to fixating on. You are also encouraged to add to the list, if you believe that there is something that is affecting you.
Remember, a thought or image can be called “obsessive”, only when it’s INTRUSIVE, PERSISTENT and OVERWHELMING. Therefore, some of the behaviors on the list may be considered healthy, in small doses, but not if they are intrusive, persistent, or overwhelming.
Preoccupations | YES | NO |
Fear of contamination (germs, diseases, toxic substances, etc.) |
Fear of dirt (dust, stains, lint, etc.) |
Fear of losing control (over your mind, body, work, etc.) |
Fear of acting on impulse (cursing, hitting, insulting, etc.) |
Fear of imperfection (Everything must be perfect) |
Fear of being injured or killed (intentionally or by accident) |
Fear of mistakes |
Fear of throwing away something useful and important |
Fear of losing things |
Fear of natural or man-made disasters |
Inability to tolerate chaos and messes |
Fear of making bad decisions |
Forbidden sexual thoughts and images (incest, children, animals, etc.) |
Others: |
It’s important not to lose this list because we’ll need it for the rest of the course. If you think that you might misplace it, save it to a memorable directory on your computer and phone, or print a few copies.
Liya Panayotova (Mar 8, 2016). What Are You Preoccupied With?. Retrieved Sep 12, 2024 from
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