Building Your Motivation

, Psychologist, liyap.com8.7K reads

If therapy interventions are so effective, how come some individuals fail to bring positive change into their lives? The answer is simple – motivation. Although therapeutic techniques guide us towards solutions, we need a lot of inner drive, if we want to improve our health and well-being. The good news is that motivation can be built up.

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When living with OCD becomes increasingly difficult and you cannot see a lot of improvements as a result of your effort, you might need something to keep you going. Motivation is the key to everything we do in life, and that’s why we’d like to encourage you to look back on the huge progress you’ve made so far. From minor improvements to major changes, each victory must be celebrated. Let’s pause for a moment and see what you’ve accomplished so far.

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You Understand OCD

You probably remember that the first few topics were focused on getting to know the inner workings of OCD. From main causes and types, to anxiety and other symptoms, you now have everything you need to know about this disorder. After all, knowledge is power, and so you now have the power.

Perhaps psychoeducation might have seemed long and boring, but keep in mind that, without educating yourself on OCD, your efforts would not be rewarded. In other words, if you want to succeed in restoring your health and well-being, you need to know what you’re up against. It might seem like an exaggerated simile, but trying to overcome obsessive-compulsive disorder without knowing anything about it, is like going to war against an unknown enemy.

You Monitor Your OCD

By now, you’ve managed to create a list of your basic obsessions and compulsions. It was the first step towards getting a sense of control over your condition. This was a crucial part of the process, since you’ll need to explore and test the validity of each obsessive thought or image. But that’s not all because you’ve also succeeded in monitoring your condition by keeping a close track of your symptoms.

Later on, you’ll learn how to challenge and dispute the irrational thinking style that forms the basis for obsessive thoughts and images. Once you realize how absurd your obsessions really are, you’ll think twice before giving them importance.

You’ve Acknowledged Your OCD

Most of us fear what we don’t understand and that’s the main reason why our first instinct is to run away or hide from our problems, by engaging in dysfunctional behaviors. Sadly, this is an ineffective strategy that will only prolong our misery and turn OCD into a much bigger issue than it really is.

Once you get to really know your disorder, everything becomes more clear and easy to understand. By demystifying OCD, you’ve gained a whole new perspective, which will allow you to find better solutions.

Now that you’ve finally gained some sense of control over your OCD, we hope you feel motivated enough to follow a solution-centered approach. Also, don’t forget to celebrate and be proud of yourself, because small victories cover great distances.

Be Patient!

When it comes to coping with a serious issue like OCD, there are no shortcuts and quick fixes. OCD therapy typically stretches over a period of 3 to 6 months. There are days when your obsessions and compulsive behaviors are simply impossible to control, and that’s OK, as long as you’re able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue trying.

Keep in mind that not even OCD medication is strong enough to relieve the symptoms in a couple of days. It is true that lasting change is the result of months, or even years of hard work and constant practice, but the more you encourage yourself and celebrate the smallest of victories, the closer you get to your goal. Be patient, encouraging and kind with yourself – after all, you have been doing a great job so far and all you have to do now is keep going!

Full reference: 

(Mar 9, 2016). Building Your Motivation. Retrieved Sep 11, 2024 from

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