OCD Explained

, Psychologist, liyap.com11.8K reads

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder, that affect a large amount of the world’s population. Whatever our age, socioeconomic status or background, none of us are immune to OCD. That is why it is paramount to understand this conditions and its symptoms, so that you can help yourself and loved ones, if need be.

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Before you can do anything to alleviate your symptoms or those of a loved one, you first need to understand the basics of OCD - wha it is, how it work, what it looks and feels like. You might already know that the disorder it constructed of obsessions and compulsions, so now is the time to understand their primary symptoms

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Understanding OCD

As you already know, nobody is immune to OCD, but what causes the disorder? This is a complex question, which cannot be answered in a word, but it is just as important as recognizign the various forms of OCD. The combination of both is a good way to make sure that you are able to acnowledge the initial symptoms and take timely measures. Additionally, it can be helpful to learn about the differenece between OCD and OCPD.

You and OCD

A general understanding of the condition is always useful, but it is even more important to know what specific preoccupations and compulsive behaviors you are dealing with. This way you can start to establish a tailored approach, suited to your needs, as well as understand the links within your OCD.

Once you have done that, you can start to acnowledge and understand the dysfunctional thoughts behind OCD. This may be a tough process, but it is the key to successfully coping with the conditon. Behind each dysfunctional thought is a cognitive distortion that is rooted deep within your mind, but can still be brought to the surface with work and determination. 

Effective Solutions

Although OCD is a serious disorder, which cannot be irradicated from your life, there are certain effective strategies to help you cope in a healthy way and lead a happier life. As a first step, it is crucial to learn how to calm your mind, since OCD can be very distressing.

Next you can take a deeper look into your condition, by tracking your symptoms. Hopefully, this would help you to build your motivation and become enthusiastic about applying specific changes. Once you feel ready and motivated, you can start to break vicious cycle of OCD, by challenging dysfunctional thoughts. Since your thoughts shape your reality, restructuring your dysfunctional beliefs can make all the difference. By replacing your irrational thoughts with ones that are healthy and based on reality, you can create a stable baseline for mental health.

Your next step would be t expose yourself to your fear, thus decreasing the effect they have on you and alleviating preoccupations. 

Managing Your Self-Expectations

One of the traits that people with OCD often struggle with is persistent perfectionism that takes a toll on one's life and emotions. Coping with it is not as unreachable as you might have thought! In fact, adjusting your standards, so that they are more realistic and less stern, can help you function a lot more effectively.

Flexibility is a skill that people with OCD often lack, but you can build it and use it to your advantage. Increasing your flexibility will also help you tolerate disorder. Right now, this prospect may sound unthinkable, but it is actually not as difficult to achieve, as long as you invest some effort. Whatever you do, the negative influence of stress can be detrimental, so it is important to learn how to deal with it. 

Living with OCD

Some aspects of life can be closely effected by OCD. However, you don't have to let them take away from your happiness and fruitful success. Although there are certain occupations people with OCD might enjoy more, the reality is that you can do anything you set your heart on, just like everybody else. Parenting and OCD are also closely connected and influence each other. Understanding the relationship can help you work through your own childhood trauma and become a better parent to your children. 

Dating someone who struggles with OCD is a very specific situation that requires your attention. Remember though - a partner with OCD may require a bit more care, but it might all be well worth it at the end. 

Specificities of OCD

There are certain aspects of life that have their own flavor, for people living with OCD. To best understand what that is like, it is crucial to debunk the myths that surround this condition. It can also be helpful to learn bout how the socioeconomic status of individuals, as well as modern life, can influence the symptoms of OCD. This way, you would gain a much wider perspective on the issue. 

A less known variety of OCD is one that lacks behavioral compulsions, also known as Pure-O OCD. Although it is more rare and difficult to diagnose, Pure-O is just as tormenting to the those who struggle with it.

Last but not least, the ability to recognize OCD symptoms in children can help you act in a timely manner and aid your kids when they need it. 

Full reference: 

(Mar 14, 2016). OCD Explained. Retrieved Sep 14, 2024 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/e/ocd-explained

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