Stress Management

, Psychologist, liyap.com10.1K reads

Dealing with OCD can often be extremely difficult. Progress is not always smooth and sometimes your symptoms might become stronger under the influence of stress.

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In order to maintain your progress and keep anxiety at bay, you can put to practice a simple stress management tool that will aid you in identifying and dealing with stressful situations. Since prevention is always the best cure, learning to anticipate your stressors should be a top priority.

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Column 1: Situation

Briefly describe the stressful situation. It could be an argument with your loved ones, difficult school assignments, or anything else that has affected you.

Column 2: Level of Stress

Use the 1-10 scale to rate your perceived level of stress. Remember, you have to rate each situation based on how YOU interpret it, not on how you think it should be.

For best results use this scale:

1 = None

10 = Extremely stressful

Column 3: Irrational Thoughts

Most of the time, our own interpretation is what makes a situation hard to bare. To help you understand yourself better and gain a healthier outlook, find your irrational thoughts, corresponding to each stressful situation.

Column 4: Alternative Thoughts

After you challenge your negative, irrational thoughts, find alternative ones to replace them.

Column 5: Possible Solutions

No intervention is complete without a solution. Explore your problem and find possible solutions to overcome stress.


Level of stress (1-10)

Irrational thoughts, associated with each situation

Alternative thoughts

Possible solutions






Full reference: 

(Mar 10, 2016). Stress Management. Retrieved Jan 22, 2025 from

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