Bronislaw Malinowski is one of the most well-known and influential figures in anthropology. Malinowski is known for his views on anthropological fieldwork and contributions to structuralism.
Malinowski is a highly influential anthropologist whose work is well-studied today. He is particularly known for his fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands, where he helped popularize methods of fieldwork. Malinowski was a proponent of participant observation, and his fieldwork centered around the idea that the researcher should fully participate in the culture that is being studied as much as possible, in order to best observe and record the practices that are occurring.
In addition, Malinowski is famous for documenting the Kula Ring, a non-monetary system of exchange in Melanesia that holds immense social and cultural significance for the individuals and societies involved.
Besides these important contributions, Malinowski is particularly known for his views and contributions to functional thought in anthropology. In anthropology, functionalism can be briefly described as the idea that cultural behaviours serve specific functions. For Malinowski, culture was a complex set of practices whose underlying purpose was to serve the needs of individuals.
Malinowski did an immense amount of research during his anthropological career, and his ideas, observations, and analyses have greatly influenced the discipline of anthropology. (Aug 22, 2015). Bronislaw Malinowski. Retrieved Jan 23, 2025 from
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