Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Treatment for Phobia

Basics of CBT

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Basics of CBT

Aaron T. Beck, a notable psychiatrist coined the term "cognitive therapy" to define the process of specifically looking into client's thought processes as a means of helping him go through challenges. Nowadays, the treatment is called "cognitive behavioral therapy" as it includes useful behavioral strategies.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

CBT is a solution-focused approach which is known for its speedy results. This therapy has a practical methodology and seeks to redirect clients' irrational thoughts, thereby changing their emotions and behavior. By centering on an individual's cognition, his attitudes and pertinent conduct can be addressed. Though it was initially utilized to treat depression, it has been employed to help individuals go through various conditions such as anxiety, addiction, mood disorders, insomnia, and other life problems.

Fundamentals of Cognition

Internal Dialogues: While conducting his therapy sessions in the 1960s, Beck noticed that his patients had internal dialogues or certain conversations that they would have with themselves. However, these personal thoughts were only minutely revealed during treatment. Beck then recognized that beliefs are very powerful and can significantly change how a person is feeling.

Automatic Thoughts: These are spontaneous beliefs that usually occur during emotional situations. People are not usually aware of their automatic thoughts since they seem to just pop out naturally. However, clients can be taught how to identify these and can better manage his behavior.

Negative Thoughts: These are debilitating beliefs that hinder us from performing well. Negative thoughts constitute the unfavorable meaning that we give to life events. These destructive perspectives do not allow us to learn from experiences which may lead to a vicious cycle of problems.

Realistic Thoughts: CBT helps individuals overcome irrational automatic thoughts by understanding the actual experience. Realistic thoughts are nurtured through careful analyses and investigations of situations. With a much more rational interpretation of difficulties, clients become more empowered in navigating through life's challenges.

Why is CBT Effective?

Fast Results
One of CBT's popular advantage is its short time-frame as it usually takes four to seven months to achieve results regarding emotional problems. With the client visiting the therapist once a week, crucial issues are aptly dealt with. Many individuals feel that a lot or something significant has been covered after a 50-minute session.

Practical Approach
Another strength of CBT is its goal-oriented take on facilitating clients' concerns. The therapist expertly guides the process and aims to finalize individually-tailored techniques. This approach arms the client with skills that can be responsibly applied. Moreover, a collaborative relationship is established to further empower the individual.

Utilizes Structure
The use of a workable framework during therapy makes goals, expectations, and procedures much clearer. This branches out to the client's comprehension of his responsibilities and path towards autonomy. CBT's structure also makes precious time spent more productively. The treatment guides ascertain that no significant concern is overlooked.

Considers the Importance of Other Techniques
CBT values each client's distinctive background, values, and growth patterns which are included in psychotherapy's tenets. Furthermore, it also gives prime importance to how actions are linked to mental processes and feelings as how behavioral therapy views conditions. For instance, therapists deal with phobias by going to the root of the problem as well as employing relaxation techniques and gradual exposure.

Full reference: (Oct 2, 2015). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Treatment for Phobia . Retrieved Jan 06, 2025 from

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