Curiosity Killed the Cat
…But Satisfaction Brought It Back
…But Satisfaction Brought It Back
President Obama's Science and Technology Advisor, Dr. John Holdren, explains the polar vortex in 2 minutes—and why climate change makes extreme weather more likely going forward.
A research project from Utrecht University show how you can simulate how muscles are build up based on traits of the environment and optimal speed.
Researchers: Thomas Geijtenbeek, Michiel van de Panne, A. Frank van der Stappen
Why Nicola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived, by The Oatmeal.
Unbelievable Facts That Are Actually True
The magazine Science looks back at 2013 and celebrates our biggest discoveries.
This is just the beginning of the era of 3D technology.
What can the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment tell us about startup-culture?
Everything, including decision making, thoughts and judgment, is influenced by our unconscious mind.
In this TED talk David Lang shows how he and a community of ocean lovers teamed up to build open-sourced, low-cost underwater robot.
Everything is possible when you have a good open-minded community around you and your idea.
The bicycle wheel reinvented. A great way to get people to bicycle more!
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action.
"Big Data", that is enourmous data sets, may lead to a big brain drain of scientists.
How machine learning is starting revolutionize more and more industries.
From Be sure to check out part 1 and part 2 as well.